
Uniform Information

 Uniform Shop

All compulsory clothing items including socks must be purchased from school's online uniform shop. Alternatively, you may visit the shop location, 1/10 Gdt Seccombe Close Coffs Harbour NSW 2450. If you select for the uniform to be delivered to the School, it will arrive during the week and sent home with your child. 

To access the School's online uniform shop click on the button below. Scroll down, click on the School's logo and enter the username and password.

Please see the School's newsletter or contact the Office on 6568 9311 for the username and password details.

Items still available at the School are bags, calculators, Bibles, pencil cases and library bags

Second-hand Items 

Second hand uniforms in good order may be available from the Uniform Shop at very reasonable prices. If you have any items of uniform in good order that you no longer need please drop them into the office. Someone else may be very grateful.


The wearing of a school uniform is an important and vital part of our philosophy. Students at the school wear their uniform because:

a. It speaks of a commitment to our school.
b. It readily identifies the student and the school in the community.
c. It encourages discipline and responsibility in the life of the student.
d. It gives the student a sense of belonging and identification.
e. It is practical and economical.

The uniform has been carefully selected by the Board, in consultation with Staff and the P & F. It is functional and attractive as well as appropriate for the school. All students attending the school are required, as part of the enrolment acceptance, to wear the prescribed uniform which must be purchased only from the school uniform shop.

A uniform is provided for boys and girls incorporating Summer and Winter elements. Due to the generally mild nature of our climate Winter additions may be worn during Term 2 & 3 only. (This includes tights for girls, long pants for boys, jackets, gloves and scarves).

All compulsory uniform requirements must be purchased through the uniform shop at the school.

Parent and Carer Commitment
Parents are required to fully support the uniform code and ensure that the student is dressed appropriately at all times
  • Uniform must be clean, pressed and in good repair
  • Shoes must be kept polished and in good condition.
  • School uniform must be worn correctly at all times.
  • Upgrading or replacing of uniform items should be done within a week of notification from the class teacher.

Uniforms for Primary Students 

Boys Years K-6
  • Navy blue knee length shorts. 
  • Short sleeve, mid blue shirt with school logo. 
  • School hat – broad brimmed or legionnaires. 
  • School bag, school library bag and school pencil case. 
  • Short navy socks (above ankle height) 
  • Traditional black leather lace-up shoes (Velcro in the small sizes only for K-2; sizes 3-13). No boots, Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvas or Slip-on-Styles.
As for Summer, plus:

  • Navy blue long pants (optional) 
  • School knitted red jumper (not part of the sports uniform)  
  • Navy blue gloves and scarf (optional) 
Sports (to be worn on designated Sports Days only)
  • School sports shorts  
  • School sports shirt   
  • Sports tracksuit – jacket and long pants
  • School hat - broad brimmed or legionnaires. 
  • School sports socks  
  • Predominantly white sports shoes (no Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvas or Slip-on-Styles). Please ask the School Office for our Shoe Policy if you are unsure.

Girls Years K-6
  • School uniform dress – compulsory  
  • Shirt with school logo and culottes – optional 
  • Navy blue bike pants – wear underneath uniform dress
  • School hat – broad brimmed or legionnaires. 
  • School bag, school library bag and school pencil case. 
  • Short navy socks (above ankle height) 
  • Traditional black leather lace-up shoes (Velcro or buckle up in small sizes only for K-2: size 3-13). No boots, Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvas, Mary Janes or Slip-on-Styles.  
All dresses and culottes to be at a modest length. On occasions NVCCS will request via written communication that students wear their formal uniform being the dress. 

As for Summer, plus:

  • Knitted red school jumper (not part of the sports uniform) 
  • Navy blue tights 
  • Navy blue gloves and scarf  
Sports (to be worn on designated Sports Days only and representative occasions)
  • School sports shorts  
  • School sports shirt 
  • Sports tracksuit – jacket and long pants
  • School hat – broad brimmed or legionnaires. 
  • School sports socks   
  • Predominantly white sports shoes (no boots, Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvass or Slip-on-Styles). 
  • School football socks - if in school football/soccer team (not for general wear). 

Uniforms for High School Students 

Boys Years 7-12
  • Navy blue knee length shorts
  • Short sleeve, high school shirt  
  • High School sports cap or broad brimmed hat 
  • High School bag and pencil case 
  • Short navy socks (above ankle height) 
  • Traditional black leather lace-up shoes. No boots, Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvas, Mary Janes or Slip-on-Styles.   
As for Summer, plus:
  • Navy blue long pants (optional) 
  • Formal navy jacket  
  • Navy blue gloves and scarf (optional) 
  • Belt for Years 11 and 12

Sports (to be worn on designated Sports Days only and representative sport occasions)
  • School sports shorts  
  • School sports shirt   
  • Sports tracksuit – jacket and long pants
  • School cap or broad brimmed hat 
  • School sports socks  
  • Predominantly white sports shoes (no boots, Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvas or Slip-on-Styles). 
  • School football socks - if in school football/soccer team (not for general wear). 

Girls Years 7-12

  • Formal navy school skirt – compulsory (not to be folded at the waist or shortened in any way) 
  • Formal navy shorts – optional 
  • Formal high school shirt 
  • High School bag and pencil case 
  • Short navy socks (above ankle height) 
  • Traditional black leather lace-up shoes No boots, Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvas, Mary Janes or Slip-on-Styles.  
  • High School sports cap or broad brimmed hat 
All skirts to be at a modest length. On occasions NVCCS will request via written communication that students wear their formal uniform.    

As for Summer, plus:
  • Formal navy jacket  
  • Navy school tights (optional but not available for purchase from the uniform shop) 
  •  Navy blue gloves and scarf (optional) 
  •  Navy formal long pants (optional)
Sports (to be worn on designated Sports Days only and representative sport occasions)
  • Ladies school sports shorts (not to be folded at the waist or shortened in any way) 
  • Ladies school sports shirt 
  • Sports tracksuit – jacket and long pants
  • High School cap or broad brimmed hat 
  • School sports socks  
  • Predominantly white sports shoes (no boots, Dunlop Volleys, Vanns, Hightops, Canvas or Slip-on-Styles). 
  • School football socks - if in school football/soccer team (not for general wear).  
Students must wear fitted, clean and pressed uniforms. 

Students wearing incorrect uniforms will be issued with a uniform default notice unless they have a note from their parent or carer explaining the reason. Parents and carers will need to return a signed note to the class teacher the following day. In the event of three consecutive default notices, the Principal or delegated staff member will make contact for further discussion.  

Rain-wear (not available for purchase from the uniform shop)
Primary School - spray jacket
Umbrella - collapsible type
Raincoat - clear or navy

General Presentation

Hair Styles
Boys hairstyles are to be modestly cut above the collar line and not to cover the face or eyes. 2mm crew cuts are the lowest acceptable short haircut.
Girls with hair that touches their shoulders must keep their hair tied back. No hair should be on the face or cover the eyes. Hair should be tied back with black, white/neutral or navy hair bands. K-6 girls may also wear red hair bands.
Hairstyles that draw attention (such as "punk", "mohawks", "rats tails", long hair undercuts, dyed hair, highlights, streaks) are not appropriate for school and should therefore not be worn.

Make Up
Students are not to wear any form of make up at school without the permission of the Principal.

Students can wear one watch. Smart Watches (Wifi & Celular) are not permitted.
Up to one plain (gold, silver, inset stone) ring can be worn.
Up to two plain (gold, silver, inset stone) studs (3mm diameter) or hoops (1cm diameter) can be worn per ear for girls.
Nail polish is not to be worn
Neck chains are unacceptable at all times
Boys are not to wear earings.

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