As a registered and accredited non-government school in NSW, Nambucca Valley Christian School (NVCCS) complies with the requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
NVCCS maintains a comprehensive suite of policies and procedures that are implemented in accordance with our legal obligations and which provide the basis for us to provide quality education to all enrolled students in a safe and supportive environment.
The policies listed below can be accessed directly by clicking on the links provided. These policies can also be provided to parents and carers in hard copy upon request.
Other school policies may be requested by completing a written enquiry on our Contact page.
Child Protection
NVCCS regards its child safety responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to ensuring compliance with al relevant child protection laws and regulations in order that we may foster and maintain a child safe culture.
The process for reporting and investigating allegations of staff misconduct or reportable conduct is contained within the Child Protection Policy.
Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Bullying is not tolerated at NVCCS. The School manages bullying through a whole-of-school community approach involving students, staff and parents/carers. Strategies are implemented continuously to prevent and intervene in any
incidents of bullying.
As part of the School's registration and accreditation compliance, NVCCS has in place disciplinary procedures that are based on principles of procedural fairness.
Corporal Punishment is not permitted.
It is NVCCS policy that we:
- Prohibit corporal punishment
- Do not explicitly or implicitly sanction the administering of corporal punishment by non-school persons, including parents/guardians, to enforce discipline at the School.
The use of any corporal punishment by a staff member is strictly prohibited. Any staff member who breaches this rule
will be subject to disciplinary proceedings which may include dismissal.
Enrolment & Attendance
NVCCS maintains accurate records of students enrolments and attendance. Prospective applicants should refer to the
Enrolment tab on the homepage on the School website.
Communications and Privacy
An important part of maintaining a safe and supportive environment includes the provision for student, family and community support networks based upon open and effective communication between the school and students’ parents/guardians.
The School also has legislated responsibilities to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and requirements relating to the sharing, storing and retention of personal information.
Allergy Awareness
The School has recently updated its Allergy Management Policy to reflect recommendations by the Best Practice Guidelines for Anaphylaxis Prevention and Management in Schools.
Whistleblower Policy
The NVCCS Whistleblower Policy ensures individuals who disclose wrongdoing in relation to the School can do so safely, securely and with confidence that they will be protected and supported.
Complaints & Concerns
While the School always does its best to provide a seamless and efficiently managed school, we accept that there may be times when things don’t go as well as everybody would expect or prefer.
The procedures in the NVCCS Complaints Handling Policy are to help parents and carers and/or students understand the correct method to raise a concern with the School.
The School assures parents, carers and/or students that any concerns raised will be heard and resolved to the best of our ability by those involved, or those who have authority to become involved. However, it is also important to discuss issues first with the school. Quite often, communication can clarify matters quickly and simply.